Managing Python versions¶
If you need different Python versions, just for using with Bluprint and uv, then you don’t need to do anything. uv will automatically handle installing necessary Python versions; see uv - Installing Python for details.
Switching between Python versions¶
You can use pyenv to manage
Python versions. Once it is installed, use pyenv versions
to see which
Python versions are installed:
pyenv versions
# system
# 3.9.8
# 3.10.10
# * 3.11.2 (set by /home/igor/repos/.python-version)
# 3.12.0
# 3.12.0a5
# 3.13.0a2
Here’s how to get Python versions available to download and install:
pyenv install -l | grep '\s[0-9]'
# ...
# 3.11.2
# 3.11.3
# 3.11.4
# 3.11.5
# 3.11.6
# 3.12.0
# 3.12-dev
# 3.13.0a2
# 3.13-dev
Installing a new version, e.g. 3.13.0a2:
pyenv install 3.13.0a2
# Downloading Python-3.13.0a2.tar.xz...
# ->
# Installing Python-3.13.0a2...
# Installed Python-3.13.0a2 to /home/igor/.pyenv/versions/3.13.0a2
Once a different Python version is install you can use it
globally using:
pyenv global 3.13.0a2
locally (whenever you are in the current directory) using
pyenv local 3.13.0a2
pyenv works on Linux, MacOS and Windows Subsystem for Linux. For native Windows consider pyenv-win.